News: VIGILEX VQ – Flame Arrestor – EN 16009
Introducing the VigilEx range from STIF, a new flameless device designed for explosion protection, to meet your safety requirements. With the last standards EN16009.
To protect indoor machinery the VigilEx VQ guarantees flameless venting and dust protection. No burnt or unburnt dust passes off. Even high temperature is reduced to a minimum. During normal venting an explosion is freely discharged, allowing flames and dust to exit from the process vessel. When the process is located indoors, ducts are generally used to convey the explosion outside the building. However, the cost and options of implementing explosion vents and ducts are limited due to dramatically reduced venting efficiency.
The VigilEx VQ is an ATEX approved flameless explosion vent (EC Certificate Number : INERIS 14ATEX0049X ). It be used with great effect indoors and outdoors. It is the best and easiest solution instead of cumbersome and expensive solutions with pipe installations to the open air. The VigilEx VQ provides low pressure resistance effectively eliminating flame and heat emissions thereby easing indoor installation and positioning of relevant machinery.
The VigilEx VQ is rectangular and connected with a standard rectangular bursting panel. The VigilEx VQ is available in different sizes and is delivered with a burst sensor. The VigilEx VQ is certified by the French notified body INERIS and will comply with the latest standard for Flameless Explosion Venting Devices: EN
16009 : 2011. STIF, the French manufacturer of the VigilEx VQ, is ISO9001 certified.